Download RFP GHC 2020-001 Pricing List Form

Girls Hockey Calgary Association (GHC) is seeking an Official Provider for team apparel and equipment to the Association and its members. Apparel and equipment items include, but are not limited to, jerseys, socks, t-shirts, hoodies, track suits, jackets, coats, hats, toques, coaching tools and supplies, water bottles, pucks, kit bags and other apparel and hockey equipment. Girls Hockey Calgary Association (GHC) invites any interested vendor to submit a proposal in response to our Request for Proposal (RFP #: GHC 2020-001)

Key Dates

Date Item
February 24, 2020 RFP Issue Date
February 24-March 13, 2020 RFP Clarification Period (If necessary)
March 24, 2020 @ 4:00pm MST RFP Close Date
April 2020 Target Contract Award
Edit Table
Point of Contact

The Association has designated a single point of contact for all matters related to this RFP. All Proponents’ communications with the Association with regards to this RFP will be directed to the Association Representative.

Jacqui Piebiak
VP Marketing
Girls Hockey Calgary Association (GHC)