November 27, 2020: Hockey Alberta’s latest FAQ document can be found here and as always, new or changing information will communicated as it becomes available.

November 26, 2020: Hockey Calgary has provided an update and FAQ document in response to the Government’s announcement of further restrictions on November 24th. Read Hockey Calgary’s update.

November 25, 2020: Hockey Alberta has updated its FAQ page with answers to several key questions arising from the Public Health Order issued November 12, and the state of public health emergency that was declared on November 24. Read Hockey Alberta’s update.

November 24, 2020: Enhanced public health measures were announced this evening as a state of public health emergency is being declared by the Government of Alberta due to COVID-19.

Among the restrictions it was announced that effective Friday November 27, 2020, the following businesses will close for in-person service:

  • Banquet halls, conference centres, trade shows, auditoria and concert venues, non-approved/licensed markets, community centres.
  • Children’s play places or indoor playgrounds.
  • All levels of sport (professional, semi-professional, junior, collegiate/universities and amateur).

Additional inspections will occur to verify that public health measures are being followed. Establishments that are non-compliant may face orders and fines.

Please note that Hockey Calgary and Girls Hockey Calgary Association (GHC) will provide more details as soon as possible as we seek clarity on the full impact to minor hockey.

In the meantime, we ask for your patience and understanding as we navigate through this unprecedented time.

To read the full list of measures, visit