Step 1

Complete Respect in Sport (RIS) for Hockey Canada Parents

  • Respect in Sport (RIS) for Hockey Canada Parents is a mandatory online course that must be completed in order to register for minor hockey. (Please select Girls Hockey Calgary and NOT Calgary Inferno nor Calgary as the association.)
  • New registrants will receive a Hockey Canada ID after they complete the RIS course. Recertification is required every four years.
Respect in Sport (RIS) for Hockey Canada Parents

Step 2

Submit Hockey Calgary Parent Declaration Form

All new registrants must submit a Hockey Calgary Parent Declaration Form and supporting documents to admin@girlshockeycalgary.com before registration.

The form requires:

  • Respect in Sport Certificate #
  • 1 Player Proof of Age
  • 3 Proof of Residency
  • Signatures of Both Parents
Download Parent Declaration Form

Step 3

You are now ready to Register with GHC! 

If you do not already have a TeamSnap account, you will be prompted to create one. Usernames are to be in the parent/guardian’s name as this is who will sign the waivers and make payments.

  • Please find Registration Fees, Financial Assistance and Withdrawal information below.
  •  It is the responsibility of all GHC members to read, understand and follow our governing policies and guidelines. Please visit our Policy page to learn more.

Please Note:

These steps refer to Regular Season U7 through U18 divisions registration only.

They are not required for Jr Inferno First Strides, Skills Camps or Spring Camps.



2024/25 Registration Fees



Accepted Payment Methods

  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • Cheque
  • Cash
  • e-transfer

Please note:

- For payments made by e-transfer/ cash / cheque, please select "offline payment" at the time of registration.
- All e-transfer payments are sent to admin@girlshockeycalgary.com with registrant's name in Memo
- For payment by cheque or cash, please contact admin@girlshockeycalgary.com to make arrangements


Instalment Payments

Please select Instalment Payments at time of registration.  This will set up equal payments to be charged on the 15th of each month.  The following payment plans are available:

  • 4 equal payments - Registration before July 15th - the first payment will be charged on the day of registration and the remainder will be charged on July 15th, August 15th and September 15th.
  • 3 equal payments - Registration between July 16th and August 15th - the first payment will be charged on the day of registration and the remainder will be charged on August 15th and September 15th.
  • 2 equal payments - Registration after August 15th - the first payment will be charged on the day of registration and the remainder will be charged on September 15th.

If you require something different, please contact admin@girlshockeycalgary.com


Financial Assistance

Please note: Families applying for financial assistance please select “Pay Offline” as form of payment and then email admin@girlshockeycalgary.com with the programs you will be applying for.  You will need to complete the appropriate funding applications to be eligible. If funds are not received, the expectation is that the family will be responsible for the total registration fees.


Withdrawal & Refunds

As per Hockey Calgary regulations, players requesting transfer to another Hockey Association in Calgary for the 2024-25 season must do so before September 1, 2024.  (Please contact the registrar of the association you wish a transfer to and request the transfer.)

A $100 administration fee will be charged for all player withdrawals. For information on or to request withdrawals and refunds, please view our

Player Withdrawal / Refund Request Form.


Returned and NSF Payments

  • Returned payments on automated instalments, cheques that are not accepted by the financial institutions due to Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF), and/or stop-payments are subject to an administrative fee.
  • The administrative fee and the value of the unfulfilled payment will be added to the GHC members’ account, and they will be considered “Not in good standing” until the payment is received.
  • GHC reserves the right to not release a member “Not in good standing” for future registration with GHC or any other Hockey Canada member association.


Players who are selected for the Calgary Fire AAA/AA Program pay additional program fees. These fees cover the increased ice rental, transportation, development, trainers, team official and administrative costs.

Registration fees already paid (excluding camp fees) will be credited towards the AAA/AA Program Fees. Players are required to pay the balance once teams are finalized. Please visit our Registration page for our current fees.