Registration Link: Girls Hockey Calgary Association (GHC) 2019-2020 Registration

Registration for our 2019/20 season is now open! Please review the information below to help you through the process.

General Resources

TeamSnap Account

TeamSnap is the official sports organization management tool of Hockey Canada and our registration processes have been updated accordingly. You will require a TeamSnap account to register. If you do not already have one, please Sign Up for TeamSnap.

In the new registration system there are instances where information is auto populating into the wrong fields. Please ensure the participant name is your daughter’s given name (no nicknames) before completing the registration. Be sure to double check all other fields (parent’s names, etc) are populated with the correct information before submitting. Please do not include other information beside any names such as a nickname, “mom”, “dad”, etc. If you happen to submit your name instead of your daughter’s in the participant field, please advise GHC Registrar Corinne Ross at ASAP so the system can be updated.

If you are encountering issues accessing the online registration process, please see our System Requirement notes below.

Register Early!

In order to take advantage of the early registration discount, registrations AND payment must be received by June 30, 2019.

Do not wait until the last minute to register in the event that you require assistance. Please keep in mind that the on-line registration system used by Girls Hockey Calgary is Canada-wide and will become very busy at the end of the month.

Also note that GHC’s prep and conditioning camps have a limited number of spaces available. Be sure to register early to secure your spot!

Registration Fees and Requirements

Our 2019/20 fees are available on our Registration page.

Please ensure that your family reviews all registration policies, requirements and fees before registering. These include but are not limited to: Respect in Sport Requirement, Volunteer Commitment Requirement and Withdrawal Policy.

If you have any questions about your daughter’s eligibility, age division or about our programs and policies, please visit our FAQ page or contact Corinne at

Hockey Canada ID Number

Online registration is available to those players who were registered with Girls Hockey Calgary during the 2018/19 season. You will require your daughters’ Hockey ID number to register online.

Please visit the FAQ page on our website to find out how to obtain your existing Hockey ID number.

For those players who are new to minor hockey, all new registrants must complete the Respect in Sport (RIS) for Hockey Canada Parents before registering for minor hockey. Once this course is complete, your child’s Hockey Canada ID number can be created.

Registration “Packages”

While registering, you will notice a number of registration packages to choose from, including prep camps and our volunteer bond opt-out option. Please be sure to select the package that contains all desired items prior to submitting payment.

Primary Email

Please ensure the family / participant email is up to date. This is the email utilized by GHC to contact families. If your daughters’ email is utilized as the family / participant she will receive all emails.

If for any reason your family’s email changes throughout the season please contact the office to have it updated in the registration system.

Once registered, the online system will generate a receipt to your primary e-mail.

Financial Assistance

Families applying for financial assistance must select cheque as form of payment and complete the appropriate funding forms in order to be eligible.

If forms are not received, the expectation is that the family will be responsible for the total registration fees.

New Families

All families who are new to GHC are required to complete/submit:

  1. Respect In Sport (Parents) (Please ensure that Girls Hockey Calgary is the selected association. If RIS has been completed for another child/sport, please see contact our Registrar for instructions.)
  2. Hockey Calgary Parent Declaration Form.
  3. Proof of residency (as per parent declaration form).
  4. Proof of age (copy of your daughters’ birth certificate or passport).
  5. Registration documents can be scanned and e-mailed to, faxed to 403-278-9230 or mailed/dropped off to the office at the GHC Office at Easy Calgary Twin Arenas (ECTAS), 299 Erin Woods Dr. SE (2nd floor).

Once all required information (and applicable transfers) is received, families will be sent a link to register on-line.

Please visit our Registration page or contact Corinne at with any questions.

System Requirements

The TeamSnap mobile apps are designed for iOS and Android devices and are not compatible with Windows Phone or Blackberry. TeamSnap can be accessed via a mobile web browser on non-iOS or non-Android devices.


Supported Operating Systems:

    • Windows 10 and above
    • Mac OSX

Supported Browsers:

  • Google Chrome: latest version *Recommended
  • Mozilla Firefox: latest version
  • Apple Safari: latest version
  • Microsoft Edge: latest version

Internet Explorer is not supported.


  • iOS 10.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch

How to check:

  1. Locate and open Settings
  2. Tap General
  3. Tap About
  4. Note the current iOS version is listed by Version


  • Android 5.0 or later

How to check:

  1. Open your device settings
  2. Tap About Phone or About Device
  3. Tap Android Version to display your version information

Thank you for your patience and have a great summer!

See you at the rink!